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Hi! I’m Alexandra. I’m the one in the photo towering over everyone else standing in the truck bed on this precarious ferry. Yep, that’s me! Welcome!

Have you ever dreamed of what life would be like living in another country? I did too! That is, until I decided to do it. I made my dream a reality and you can too! I started Kind Perusal because I want to share my experience moving and living in a foreign country. Living abroad enriched my life in ways I never imagined. My desire is to leave you feeling inspired, hopeful and motivated to do the things that you’ve always wanted to.

A little more about me, I am from the west coast of Canada and I lived in Peru, my South American dream country, for 10 years. Now, my family and I spend our time between Canada and Peru. We enjoy freedom that a simple life allows. You can follow our experiences on Instagram and Youtube.

I am a creative and need to be creating something of my own. You will find some of my art and DIY projects here. I spend most of my day singing songs I make up as I go and less-but-still-noteworthy amount of time moving through my home like an Air Dancer in front of a car dealership. I especially love to work on kid-friendly projects with my six-year-old son. He loves baking. I am celiac, so all my favourite recipes are gluten free. I don’t necessarily look for gluten-free ingredients, my brain is now programmed to only pay attention to foods that are naturally gluten free, or glutenus freeus, as I like to call it (I don’t speak Latin). Conveniently, a lot of my favourite Peruvian recipes contain no gluten.

Pygmy Marmoset

My dream pet would be a pygmy marmoset, because they are absolutely adorable. Imagine a cute little monkey the size of a hamster! But I would never own an exotic animal. I hate uncomfortable pants and a few years decided I would never wear them again. I spent most of my life being very shy and avoiding embarrassment, now I love sharing my embarrassing anecdotes- and I have lots! Does this sound like you? I think we would get along. If it doesn’t sounds like you, I think we would still get along.

At Kind Perusal we are candid, open and always trying new things. I don’t claim to be an expert in anything, but I strive to be better than yesterday. Not everything in my life is picturesque; however, I try to capture those beautiful moments. Thank you for being here and please stay in touch!